Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Arthritis: Millions of People Around the Globe Affected

Arthritis Affects Millions of People around the Globe:

There varies form of arthritis - Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, septic arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis just to mention a few.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It is called a degenerative joint disease because it results from the deterioration of the bones and cartilage that make up the joints.

Osteoarthritis can also follow significant trauma, so avoiding broken bones or other major injuries (to the extent this is possible), may reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis, for example, can feature pain that is worst at night, or following a period of rest. Rheumatoid arthritis will generally cause most pain in the morning and in its early stages.

Osteoarthritis, from the word osteo, meaning bone, is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage in the joint area which leads to inflammation. The destruction of the bone can occur when there is mechanical stress to the area.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the lining, or synovium, of the joints. It is one of the most severe forms of arthritis and can lead to long-term joint damage, resulting in chronic pain, loss of function and disability. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a type of inflammatory arthritis, is an autoimmune disorder.

The onset of rheumatoid arthritis is associated with physical or emotional stress, poor nutrition, and bacterial or fungal infection of a joint. Rheumatoid arthritis also breaks down and erodes away the cartilage and bones in the affected joints. This erosion cannot be seen and is measured by x-rays.

Rheumatoid arthritis often starts in middle age and is most common in older people. But children and young adults can also get it. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in the joints. It has several special features that make it different from other kinds of arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic (long-lasting) disorder that is often characterized by flares (worsening of symptoms) and remissions (improvement in symptoms). In approximately 80% of cases, psoriatic arthritis also involves the fingernails and toenails (e.g., loosening of the nails, development of ridges and pits).

Psoriatic arthritis Psoriatic arthritis is a potentially serious inflammatory form of arthritis that is often found in association with psoriasis. Because it may begin and progress insidiously, it can cause serious problems.

Treatment for psoriatic arthritis is similar to that for other forms of the disease. This includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (aspirin and ibuprofen, for example), heat, exercise, and physical therapy.

Treatment for psoriatic arthritis is meant to control the skin lesions of psoriasis and the joint inflammation of arthritis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , gold salts, and sulfasalazine are standard arthritis treatments, but have no effect on psoriasis. Treatment and proper hair styling can help a woman to cope.

Treatment, therefore, aims at reducing your pain and discomfort and preventing further disability.

Patients with recent joint injuries or surgery, or patients receiving medications injected directly into a joint are also at a greater risk for developing septic arthritis. Typically, women and male homosexuals are at greater risk for septic arthritis than are male heterosexuals.

Patients must be randomly assigned to take either the substance in question or a look-alike inactive or comparison remedy, and neither patients nor evaluating physicians can know who is on what until the study is completed.

And, while positive results from good studies continue to be published in Europe, there are still no published results of such studies in people on this side of the Atlantic. Patients should go early to bed and have plenty of rest, sunshine and fresh air. It is important that the diet should be nourishing and plentiful, and should there be intestinal putrefaction fermented milk is useful.

Recommended Arthritis Aids Products
List:- Attractive Clear Food Guard - fits all plates

by Mobility-Ability

We Make It Finding Innovative and Quality Mobility Aids Products Easier:

Welcome: We Make It Finding Innovative and Quality Mobility Aids Products Easier:

I'm Ranci Endo, the founder of ranci endo Investments, and your author for mobility-Ability blog;
My objective is to "Make It Finding Innovative and Quality Mobility Aids Products Easier" for those of us are in need of help, information, advise,aids products or more understanding and knowledge about mobility.

My message -It’s all about Easy Mobility and Ability to a better and safe living

Our impartial, practical information and tools can help you get a better and happier life: Here is a list of some of the issues we are going to cover in our blog

1: Mobility Aids Products – Wheeled Walkers, Wheelchairs, Walking Sticks, Walking Sticks, Walking Frames, Walking Accessories, Handy Bar and Ramps

2: Wheelchair Accessories – Scooter Accessories, Comfort & General mobility Aids, Trays & Bags, and Mobile Arm Support

3: Bathing Aids Products Bath Lifts, Bath Boards and Seats, Shower Seats, Shower Stools, Shower Chairs, Bathing Accessories, Grab Rails & Bath Rails.

4: Toileting Aids Products – Lubidet, Commodes, Toilet Aids & Surrounds, raised Toilet Seats, Continence Care, and Urinals etc

5: Household & kitchen Aids Products – Beds & Chairs, Beds Accessories, Lyfty, Seating, Perching Stools, Walking Trolleys, Reachers, Grab Bars, Scissors/others, Medication, Table & Kitchenware, Help for Hands, Non slip Products, Healthcare and Domestic Aids Products

6: Eating & Drinking Assistance Products – Cutlery, Bibs 7 Eating, Plates, Cups and Beakers.

7: Dressing & Comfort Products –In this category it will include Elastic shoe laces, slippers, dressing aids, comfort fleece, foot care, hip protector etc.

8; Pressure Relief & Positioning –issues will cover pillows, wedges & back care products, cushions, position and comfort and also mattresses

9; Exercise/Therapy –home exerciser, cuff weights, hot and cold therapy issues.

10: Leisure /Activity -Easi-grip garden tools,, reading magnifier, book butler, writing comfort grip pens etc

11: Moving and Handling –will cover transfer boards and discs, and also products that are safe for patient transfer

12: Orthopaedic Products Ankle, back, elbow, hand, wrist, knee neck, shoulder, replay support

13: Assessment Evaluation & Reference

These are just the few we are covering and hope you’ll join us by adding your contribution, comments, and any good or bad experience you’ve incurred to the subject in order to help many of us out there looking for guidelines, advice and assistance.

Thank you and God bless

Ranci Endo

Aids to daily living

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