Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lower Back Pain: Is there any best long lasting solution? Part 2

Treating Simple Lower Back Pain

1.) Regular Exercise

It is important to maintain regular everyday activities despite the discomfort. Although this may initially prove difficult because of the pain, increasing one’s range of motion incrementally can be bearable if not overdone. Goal setting can be a good idea to track progress and provide encouragement.

Medical advice in the past included recommendations of rest until the pain subsided. This has now been proven inconclusive as prolonged immobility increases the risk of developing chronic back pain. By continuing to move, faster recovery from pain is likely to occur. Likewise, past advice on sleeping positions - flat on one’s back on a firm mattress - has also been unproven in relieving pain symptoms. Current recommendations involve advising patients to sleep in a position and on a mattress they feel most comfortable in.

2.) Pain Medication

When pain medication is necessary, it would be better to take them on a regular basis rather than intermittently as needed. Regular doses work better to ease pain symptoms and enable increased activity in the sufferer. Some examples of pain killing medication include:

1.) Paracetamol – this analgesic works efficiently if full strength doses are taken regularly. Adult dosage amounts to 1000 mg, or two 500 mg tablets, taken four times in a day.

2.) Anti-inflammatory painkillers – some pain sufferers have discovered that these provide more effective pain relief compared to paracetamol. Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprogen, or prescription medication like diclofenac are widely available in pharmacies. However, anti-inflammatory drugs are dangerous for people suffering from asthma, high blood pressure, kidney ailments or heart disease.

3.) Industrial strength painkillers – like codeine may be taken together with paracetamol. One side-effect of this drug is constipation, and straining during hard bowel movement can worsen back pain symptoms. Constipation can be avoided by consuming fibrous food and increasing fluid intake.

4.) Muscle relaxants – work well if the back muscles are constantly tense. The muscle relaxant diazepam may be prescribed for a minimum of a few days to loosen tight back muscles that worsen back pain.

Physical treatments for Lower Back Pain

Physical remedies that include sessions with a physical therapist, chiropractor or osteopath can aid in providing short-term relief from back pain. Although not backed by scientific evidence, there have been cases where physical treatments have resulted in faster recovery from lower back pain.

Other Treatments

There are a lot of treatments for lower back pain, and programs for such should be monitored by a physician to determine whether they make symptoms worse, if pain continues for more than 4 to 6 weeks, or if the symptoms start to change. Trying different kinds of treatments for chronic back pain may be necessary until one finds a treatment that works.

Treatments for Other Types of Back Pain

Nerve root pain

The treatment for nerve root pain is similar to that of simpler lower back pain. Symptoms of this type of disorder usually disappear over a period of one or two weeks. Physical treatments may also provide temporary relief from pain. However, chronic back pain stemming from a ‘slipped disc’ may require surgery for immediate relief of the pressured or irritated nerve.

Other Causes of Back Pain

Treatment for other types of back pain would have to depend on the main cause of pain symptoms. For instance, pain caused by arthritis can be remedied by different kinds of arthritis medications.

Preventing Reoccurrence of Back Pain

There has been a glut of evidence that point toward leading an active lifestyle and regular exercise as the best possible solutions to preventing back pain. Aerobic activities like walking, running or swimming can help keep the body in a general state of fitness. Although there is no supporting evidence that performing back strengthening exercises can prevent reoccurrence of back pain, it is advisable to be well-informed about proper lifting techniques to avoid injury, particularly when lifting objects while in an awkward or twisted position.

A Summary of Back Pain Tips

• Acute lower back pain, even if severe, is normally not considered critical.

• Recovery from lower back pain is a speedy process taking as little as a week.

• Although nerve root pain and prolapsed (‘slipped’) discs are an uncommon occurrence, they usually heal by themselves without requiring surgery.

• Keeping active as much as possible and continuing with routine everyday activities such as going to work, will hasten recovery from lower back pain. Limiting movement and doing little exercise will only increase the risk of developing chronic symptoms.

• Should the pain be severe, initial rest may be necessary, but incremental movement is encouraged for a speedier recovery – something that constant bed rest will not provide. Warming up the muscles through motion is preferable to having them stiffen up from long periods of immobilization.

• Bearing some measure of pain and discomfort may be necessary while returning to everyday activities. Simple lower back pain will not be aggravated by movement. In fact, constant activity will help prevent the development of chronic long-term symptoms.

• Regular use of painkillers can alleviate the pain during the recovery period.

• If pain worsens or continues for more than 4 to 6 weeks, or if other uncommon symptoms develop, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately.

ranci -endo

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