Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Elderly, Disabled & Handicap -How Convenience is mobility Scooter?

Elderly, Disabled & Handicap -How Convenience is mobility Scooter?

While mobility scooters for the handicap are not for everyone who is disabled, they can be of assistance to many.

A mobility scooter is a great alternative for those who may be limited in their movement, but still seek to be active. For a variety of medical conditions, such as severe arthritis or stroke, this type of transport allows more mobility ability and independence. Mobility scooters have emerged for some people as an alternative to other types of equipment, such as a wheelchair. For the elderly, handicap and disabled population, it is to them to participate in a more active lifestyle.

While mobility scooters for the handicap are not for everyone who is disabled, they can be of assistance to many. There great for people who cannot walk long distances or are easily fatigued. Mobility scooters allow people to continue to take care of themselves and be able to run errands, such as going to the grocery store. In addition to assisting those with certain medical conditions, they can also be helpful for people who have progressive condition, such as muscular dystrophy.

The changes in design for mobility scooters for the handicap have also helped to account for their increased popularity. Unlike the designs of the past, many of today's scooters are lightweight, and some can be easily disassembled and stored when not in use, or during transport. The rise of electric power has also made them more accessible. Now, instead of worrying about fuel, the electric models are simply plugged into the wall. Mobility scooters for the handicap also incorporate a variety of comfortable features. Many have a wide chair that is easy to sit in for long periods of time. There are also storage compartments, including a basket for easy access, and mirrors that give the driver an increased view. These features and more, help the driver feel comfortable and in control of their driving experience.

In some cases, scooter purchases are eligible for Medicare reimbursement. Many larger companies that sell scooters will have an in-house person who takes care of the paperwork and will help you determine whether Medicare will reimburse the mobility scooter purchase. A major consideration for Medicare is the intended use. Usually a scooter will not be approved just for leisure or outside the home. It needs to be for inside home use, and necessary for a person to handle daily tasks. Of course, there are many other requirements, but some people are able to purchase scooters, and get reimbursed through Medicare, depending on their situation.

Mobility scooters for the handicap and disabled offer increased movement and independence. While not for everyone, many people find that owning one has greatly increased the quality of their life, and they couldn't imagine living without one. If you are considering mobility aids, you may want to take a closer look at an electric mobility scooter.
The Convenience of Mobility Scooters for the elderly, handicap and disabled is huge positive plus to their day to day freedom.

Credit to -Amy Wells writes on a variety of consumer issues. Considering a scooter?

by ranci endo


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